The Salt
Cape Cod & Rhode Island- As the Summer begins to wain, and cooler nights start to creep back into the forecasts in mid-August, we start paying closer attention to coastal weather patterns, and tides. Migratory Striped Bass, and Bluefish are about & have been since late April, but this is also the time where we start to see the late seasonal arrival of "Funny-Fish:" aka- Tunoids, aka- Bonito & False Albacore.
​Why just target two species when you can target four? Striped Bass are our obvious primary focus, but Bonito from shore, and/or a "Shore-Ba-Core" is a Bucket-List achievement most saltwater anglers aspire to. No matter which species you hook into, you're in for a line-blistering treat. Don't be surprise if you see your backing as well.
One on the wade is worth ten from a boat. There is no more intimate way to catch a fish than wading into water with a fly rod, period. Immersing yourself into their environment, and fooling the fish with your fleye while having the fly-line in your hand. That initial grab & take; the 1:1 shock and tension via direct current. Violent with some fish; primal, for sure; always exhilarating.
Hat[!!!], waders with a belt & a pair of good studded wading boots, and waterproof jacket. Necessities on the Beaches, Flats, and Estuaries in, and around saltwater environments.
Another mandatory item: Polarized Sunglasses. Not just for spotting illusive fish in the water, sunglasses offer a base-level of safety for your eyes where rod-tips and fleyes with sharpened hooks are being cast airborne. While we preach rod/line/leader/fly management and control with our clients, we just wouldn't feel right taking people out without the right protection. No cool angler shades? We'll hook you up with a local fly shop to check that box off too. No need to break the bank, but better safe than sorry.
Sun Protection: Yes, even on cloudy days. Sunscreen in the 15 SPF to 50 SPF range works, but sun-protection clothing is better, won't grease-up your hands, gear, fly line or leader. We're fans of sun masks & sleeves and/or gloves, and again: a favorite hat.